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产品名称: 浩瀚HHN-300氮气发生器
品牌: 1356
产品单价: 面议
日期: 2021-05-01


浩瀚HHN-300氮气发生器 详细信息:


1. 压力、流量自动显示,自动恒压、恒流,氮气流量可根据用量实现全自动调节。
2. 双支不锈钢过滤器,内有微量氧脱除剂(不需活化),氮气纯度更高;仪器内部采用硅橡胶圈(含硫量低),有效提高气体质量,色谱基线平稳。
3. 配有安全装置,灵敏,自动防返碱。

浩瀚HHN-300氮气发生器  图片:

Haohan HHN-300 nitrogen generator
Haohan HHN-300 Nitrogen Generator Details:

product description:
Nitrogen generator is a set of equipment that can extract nitrogen. Its main application areas are: aerospace, nuclear power, food and medicine, petrochemical industry, electronics industry, materials industry, national defense and military industry, and scientific experiments. The nitrogen generator can be used as a carrier gas in various types of gas chromatographs at home and abroad. It is a new generation nitrogen generator with excellent performance and easy maintenance.

Instrument features:
1. The pressure and flow rate are automatically displayed, and the nitrogen flow rate can be automatically adjusted according to the consumption.
2. Double stainless steel filter with trace oxygen remover (no need to activate), and nitrogen purity is higher; the inside of the instrument uses silicone rubber ring (low sulfur content) to effectively improve the gas quality and ensure a stable chromatographic baseline.
3. Equipped with safety devices, sensitive and reliable, automatic anti-alkali.

Haohan HHN-300 Nitrogen Generator Picture: