产品名称: |
DNOP化学试剂 |
产品型号: |
品牌: |
1356 |
产品数量: |
产品单价: |
面议 |
日期: |
2023-11-06 |
DNOP化学试剂 详细信息:
邻苯二甲酸二正辛酯 ;Phthalic acid di-n-octyl ester DNOP
有特殊气味。着火点241℃,粘度81.4mPa·s,蒸气压(200℃)176Pa。25℃时该品在水中溶解度< 0.01%,水在该品中的溶解度0.2%。溶于大多数有机溶剂和烃类,微溶于甘油、乙二醇。与大多数工业用树脂有良好的相容性。与醋酸纤维素;聚醋酸乙烯酯部分相容。
DNOP化学试剂 图片:

Keywords phthalic acid di-n-octyl ester DNOP
A special smell. Ignition point 241 ° C, viscosity 81.4 mPa · s, vapor pressure (200 ° C) 176 Pa. 25 ℃ when the goods in the water solubility <0.01%, the water in the solubility of the goods 0.2%. Soluble in most organic solvents and hydrocarbons, slightly soluble in glycerol, ethylene glycol. And most of the industrial resin has good compatibility. And cellulose acetate; polyvinyl acetate part of the compatibility.
Gas chromatography statio
nary phase, selective retention and separation of aromatic compounds, unsaturated compounds and various oxygenated compounds (alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters, etc.). Solvent. Plasticizer.
Content: ≥ 99%
Packing: 5ml