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产品名称: RJX-II 热解析仪
产品型号: RJX-II
品牌: 1356
产品单价: 面议
日期: 2021-11-01

RJX-II 热解析仪的详细资料


1. 微机程序控制,自动六通阀切换,实现对样品的吸附与脱附自动控制,系统重复性。
2. 通过样品解析装置与样品脱附装置对样品实施二次解析。
3. 标样与未知样在同一系统中测定,数据准确。
4. 具有系统吹扫、自动空白测试功能。
5. 附设低温控制装置满足对大多数低沸点样品的处理。
6. 脱附装置具有较高的升温速率,样品迅速脱附进入色谱。
7. 直接对任何含有机物的固体材料进行脱附、解析,进样分析。
8. 仪器内部自带解吸管清洗装置可同时处理5支解吸管。

1. 一次解吸温度范围:室温~400℃,以增量1℃任设。
2. 二次解吸温度范围:-30℃~400℃。以增量1℃任设。(低温装置为可选件)
3. 二次解吸升温速率:>2000℃/分。
4. 阀体及进样管路恒温范围: 150℃。
5. 热解析程序控温时间范围: 0.01~99.99分, 以增量0.01分任设

RJX-II computerized intelligent thermal desorption rapid program sampler for my company's annual launch of the international advanced level as the standard, directly for the majority of users at home and abroad generation of products. The instrument is suitable for qualitative and quantitative detection of various gases with boiling point below 350 ℃ in chemical building material, food, atmosphere and indoor environment. It can be connected with any gas chromatograph at home and abroad. Its automatization degree, repeatability and sensitivity can be And comparable to similar foreign products, fully able to meet the current state of the new environmental testing standards, and the structure has its own unique functional advantages and satisfactory performance and price ratio.
Structural Characteristics of RJX-II Thermal Desorption Fast Program Sampler
1. Computer program control, automatic six-way valve switch, to achieve the sample adsorption and desorption automatic control to ensure system repeatability.
2. Perform a second analysis of the sample by a sample analyzer and a sample desorption device.
3. Standard sample and unknown sample in the same system to ensure accurate data.
4. With the system purge, automatic blank test function.
5. Supplied with low-temperature control device to meet the majority of low-boiling point sample processing.
6. Desorption device has a high heating rate, to ensure rapid desorption of samples into the chromatography.
7. Directly on any organic matter containing solid material desorption, analysis, sample analysis.
8. The instrument comes with a desorption tube cleaning device can handle 5 desorption tubes.

Technical Data of RJX-II Thermal Desorption Fast Program Sampler
1. The first desorption temperature range: room temperature ~ 400 ℃, in increments of any set.
2. The second desorption temperature range: -30 ℃ ~ 400 ℃. In increments of 1 ℃ any set. (Low temperature device is optional)
3. Secondary desorption heating rate:> 2000 ℃ / min.
4. Valve body and injection pipeline temperature range: 150 ℃.
5. Thermal analysis program Temperature control time range: 0.01 ~ 99.99 points, in increments of 0.01 points any